Our Story

Maren had her first riding lesson in St. Ives, NSW when she was three years old. She became a 'serious' rider at age 5, competing at Spruce Meadows by age 6. Her passion was assisted by her mother who also took up riding since she was forever at the barn, and between the two of them (Maren riding, Linda grooming) have developed many young horses up to higher levels of the sport - including Grand Prix levels and 1.45m in Europe.

With the development of our equestrian facility, we can now offer a wonderful environment for you to learn and for your horse to develop to its full potential.


Our Approach

Our Approach

We love horses. Like we really really love horses. And we find they like us a lot too! We attempt to give all our horses, regardless of age, training or potential the environment they need to be happy, healthy and successful. Their success is our success. We have designed our new barn so our horses never feel isolated, have a long time in a field or paddock and have a feed program suited to their individual needs - including slow feed nets used overnight. We let the horses tell us what they are ready for - and we make sure our riders are ready when the time comes!

Our Story

Who we are

We rejected a lot of names for our equestrian business --- Maren wanted to name it after her beloved buckskin pony Allegra - Allegra Show Stables, but the acronym was troubling... Linda wanted Epiphany Farm, but Maren couldn't spell it, and although we don't breed Danish, Swedish or Fjord horses - we are honouring Linda's Norwegian heritage with Nordic Farms.


Maren Reinbold

Trainer and Co-Owner

Maren holds both a Certificate and Diploma in Equine Sciences from the University of Guelph. She also received the Saddle of Honour at Spruce Meadows when aged 14 for best rider/horse combination in The National, and was awarded the RSA Scholarship for top rider at the Masters in the 1.30m division. Maren was the only Canadian and only jumper rider selected for the Hannoveraner Verband's Rider Exchange Program in 2016.  Maren actively competes in dressage, hunters, jumpers, was on the KWPN-NA team for the International Young Breeders Competition and is a member of the Calgary Hunt Club. She loves to share what she's learned and loves to see riders and horses develop together to be a winning team.


Linda Reinbold


Linda assists in all aspects of running the operation - but is especially involved with the broodmares and foals. She endlessly researches bloodlines and stallion performance records as this allows her to watch hours and hours of horse videos on the internet under the guise of 'work'. Linda spent most of her career in management consulting and has a B.Comm., an MBA and was a Certified Management Consultant. She also cleans a mean stall - an activity worryingly similar to her former career.


Doug Reinbold, P.Eng.

Head Maintenance Guy, Banker

Doug has single-handedly assembled every one of our new 19 stalls. He also has done the walls, the waterers, the hot water heating, etc . He's a handy guy - and when not moving round bales, fixing fences and building new stalls he is Co-Owner of Reinbold Engineering Group, a consulting mechanical engineering firm with offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Kelowna, Vancouver and Toronto. He's also a wonderful father to Maren and her siblings and a terrific husband --- as he likes to quote Red Green, "if she don't find ya handsome, she better find ya handy!" he's a pretty handy guy. And the horses love him - especially Enya who follows him around like a 900lb dog.

Next Steps...

Come ride with us! We'd love to meet you, share in your love of horses and help you both achieve your goals!